7 Kasım 2009 Cumartesi

Step 5: Resources for Ongoing Wellness

Regularly Update Your Personal Wellness Action Plan
Your Wellness Plan is dynamic and may be updated throughout the year to reflect your progress in achieving your wellness goals and changes in wellness priorities. You can edit your Personal Wellness Plan by clicking on the "Wellness Plan" button at the button of My Wellness Homepage.

Step 4: Tools to Help You Reach Your Wellness Goals

The Wellness Inventory helps reveal your current state of wellness, provides feedback to enable you to create wellness goals based on those areas of your life you are most highly motivated to change, and suggests resources to help you successfully achieve your goals.

The program is also designed to help motivate you to stick with your wellness plan and achieve your goals using the mechanisms below.

My Wellness Journal
Document your wellness journey with the "My Wellness Journal" feature. This allows you to record your observations and insights every day in all 12 areas of wellness in order to help you better understand your inner and outer life and chart your journey's progress.

Step 3: Create Your Personal Wellness Action Plan

Next, you are guided to create a Personal Wellness Action Plan consisting of 3-5 simple action steps drawn from your responses to the assessment. The action steps are created using on a philosophy of small steps for continuous improvement that lead to sustainable lifestyle change.

You will be presented with a list of the wellness statements that you responded with "Strongly desire a higher score." These are the areas of your life you are the most highly motivated to change and hold the greatest potential for personal growth. If this list is small, it will be supplemented by a list of statements you answered with "Moderately desire higher score." The statements are arranged according to the 12 dimensions of wellness for easier comprehension and each statement is linked to its corresponding wellness commentary.

Select a few key statements you want to focus on as "jumping off points," and begin the process of creating your wellness action steps.

Creating Your Action Steps
The most helpful action steps are simple, specific, doable actions that you can perform with a high likelihood of success. Small, incremental steps will allow you to create a track record of positive success and build your confidence in creating lifestyle change. We recommend that you create between 3-5 action steps. We have discovered that it is difficult to effectively focus on more than a few steps at a time.

There is a short online tutorial, "Tips for Creating Effective Action Steps" that can be very helpful in this process.

Step 2: Understanding Your Scores

Upon completing the assessment, you will be able to view your results: My Wellness Scores, My Satisfaction Scores, and Understanding My Strengths.

My Wellness Scores
My Wellness Scores are displayed both as a Wellness Wheel representing the twelve sections of the assessment, and as a chart. You will receive a wellness score for each of the twelve sections, as well as an overall wellness score.

My Wellness Scores reflect your assessment of your current level of wellness—a representation of your areas of strength, as well as areas that may present new possibilities for personal lifestyle change.

Step 1: Taking the Assessment - Guidelines

Before you start answering the questions in the assessment, here are the specifics you'll need to know. The assessment consists of 120 statements (12 sections of 10 statements), each describing a wellness action, skill, belief, attitude, or awareness. Each section corresponds to 1 of the 12 components of the Wellness Energy System.

You will be asked two questions for each statement in the assessment:

How True?: How true is this statement for you at this point in your life?

How Satisfied?: How satisfied are you with your answer? This second question helps to determine how important a statement is to you in the list of priorities generated along with your score.


Take a personal journey using the five steps of the Wellness Inventory Program.

The Wellness Inventory

The Wellness Inventory is a holistic assessment and life-balance program designed to help you gain personal insight into your state of physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. The program offers guidance and tools to transform this new awareness into sustainable lifestyle change, and a renewed sense of health and wellbeing.